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  1. People need to stop entertaining him (including myself). He’s a clown.
  2. Think those 4 alone would be above the $5mil mark.
  3. I mean Fire Sean Miller right now.
  4. “And right there you’ll see the 2011 Texas team who was robbed of a sweet 16 and more by a phantom 5 second call.” He better apologize for that tomorrow
  5. Ok but taking his possible twitter handles is a level of petty that you have to respect.
  6. Honestly, this number is fine. Pretty much in line with the Miller hire which was…. fine.
  7. Should be good for about 3 more Indiana St JAGs
  8. Would like a better view to see if Galvan should’ve been sent. Hate holding guys up with 2 outs if it’s gonna be close.
  9. I’m sure we’ll hear that CDC conducted a massive search and Miller was the top of the list. In reality he’s been CDCs coach in waiting for 2 years.
  10. It’s a safe, comfort hire for CDC. I don’t see it being a failure but we’ll hang around for a while hoping to breakthrough.
  11. Was really hoping we wouldn’t hear anything today but oh well. I’m….whelmed with Sean Miller.
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