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About Orngblud05

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  1. 1 meal or 5, all that matters is calories. If you eat one meal a day and 10,000 calories while you do it, reducing rotundity is not in the cards.
  2. I thought 2-2 over the last 4 would get it done. Just didn’t think it would go like this. Is a home win vs Georgia and OU the same as a loss to Georgia but a road win vs MS st and home vs OU? Maybe slightly better…
  3. Mine is turned on.
  4. Interesting, yeah mind goes to the beginning of the video for all.
  5. Been wondering this for a while. Like clockwork, every day I open my twitter/X to 1000 tweets from Gerry about different topics discussed during C&F. Is it intentional that each of those tweets for every topic teased links to the same start of the hour plus long video vs the spot in the video where the topic is actually discussed? If it is intentional, wouldn’t one tweet with a list of 10 topics discussed suffice? Anyway, neither here nor there to anything really. You guys do fine work…
  6. Who stopped going to that play after it worked 100 times in a row?
  7. These legalize pot posts are completely missing the point. Kicked off 2 teams and in trouble with the law twice, arrested or not, is not the trajectory everyone was hoping for.
  8. Certainly looks the part. Thanks for the recap!
  9. Can someone remind me who Pryor is and why he didn’t play until a few games ago?
  10. I saw the Kelvin Banks quote saying he expected a big hole to be behind him but 8 got there first. If 8 didn’t get there there were at least 4 others waiting to clean up. That play was DOA
  11. Never ever take the ball first. If you get a stop, you earn an extra opportunity to double up at the start of the 2nd half. If you don’t get a stop, your offense has a chance to respond.
  12. These are future bets for any possible outcome in the semis, not what would happen if the bracket was different. (I think)
  13. I thought this was @Bobby Burton
  14. All of this is spot on. Couldn’t believe the Bond no call but the outrage is only on the Taafe hit. SVP on ESPN spent 5 minutes on it last night. No mention of the bond play.
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