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About stunnedandpissed

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  1. Well, I feel kinda stupid now. I didn’t realize that “Bases Loaded” was under the On Texas Football umbrella, on the same feed. Somehow I didn’t see it among the other episodes of On Texas. And I was searching for its own feed. Thanks for straightening me out.
  2. Hey Blake. Thanks for the baseball show. You’ve been calling it a podcast, but as far as I can tell, it’s only available as YouTube video. Could y’all make it available through the podcast indexes so I can listen via my podcast app. If it is already listed and I’m just not able to find it, can you post the direct URL feed?
  3. Are these going to be available as podcasts (as opposed to just as YouTube videos)? I'm still not seeing it listed in Overcast's index . . . which I think pulls from Apple's podcast index, but possibly from multiple indexes. I'd love to listen to this (and future episodes) . . . just not through YouTube, if possible. Thanks!
  4. I'm kinda glad Dabo's taking this thoroughly stubborn approach. It gives us some data/evidence as to whether a fully committed high school development model can work in modern football. I agree with most people's conclusions that it can't and won't. But it will always be speculative without someone like Dabo. IF he believes in their evaluation ability, and if they believe in their culture and ability to develop . . . and if they can keep from losing very many guys to the portal . . . there's certain virtues to his method. That's a lot of IF's though. But Dabo has more information with which to answer those questions than any of us, if he's honest with himself. We'll see. I don't think it will work, but I love that he's trying it!
  5. Thanks Gerry. That’s super helpful. So I shouldn’t interpret Jackson Christian coming in twice this week as a sign that he’s on the upper echelon side of that line for the coaches?
  6. Thanks for the great reports, @Gerry Hamilton I’m having a hard time reading the tea leaves to guess the order of our OL big board. If you had to guess, which five OL would the coaches take if they got to pick? And maybe who are the first couple contingencies?
  7. All these spring visits from Lacey seem more like him helping recruit the rest of the class than him being recruited to stick with his commitment.
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