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Wrong Link Gerry

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Everything posted by Wrong Link Gerry

  1. Refs gifted Kentucky that drive. On the long pass there was a blatant hold on Simmons
  2. We should never have complained about big 12 refs. These sec refs are the worst I've seen.
  3. https://x.com/Hayesfawcett3/status/1859737942262231507?t=7bGSCucePW4cxt2_UVjrZg&s=19
  4. In certain situations it gives your receivers better leverage to get blocks, just really depends on what you're asking your receivers to do as far as blocking.
  5. Need to watch out for shemar turner purposely hurting someone. Dirty player, it shows up every game
  6. Pickup the flag on an obvious PI against a$m, Aggy wr pushes ref and no flag. Can't be anymore obvious what's happening here.
  7. https://x.com/JeromeSolomon/status/1842210466979803342?t=uCRlS2I50W0aFMJK5UE4yQ&s=19
  8. https://x.com/JoshMCallaway/status/1839459510139728107?t=1zheyiaoZCXzcYbkCkgxOg&s=19
  9. Finally had a bad drive on defense, and here's the usual suspect with his usual dumb takes.
  10. 291 yards rushing at 6.5 per carry, all with 0 threat of the pass.
  11. We just thought the officiating in the LSU game was bad. A$M has them in their pocket for sure.
  12. Very strong chance Weigman does not start.
  13. You seem to somehow be getting progressively more stupid.
  14. I watched jaray at RB in high school, stick him back there lol
  15. That's not what Eric said. Go back over there.
  16. Texas mods that are wrong all the time.
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