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  1. No Harvard or Princeton for me. No sir. UT grad all the way. I could find the UGL and PCL just fine. I just never set out to find them frequently enough. Daughter’s about to graduate with honors then off to medical school like dad. No… I love these guys and watch all the time. I especially like some of the live comments by posters coming across the TV screen. Thank heaven I do not know how to do that as yet. YOU guys really get me going though in response to my (very) in frequent posts… A couple of George Carlin types lurking here.
  2. 👊😂👊😂🤘🤘🤘🤘 these are awesome.
  3. I have been watching a little too much OTF, no doubt.
  4. Nothing! I would change absolutely nothing about On Texas Football with respect to content, choice of topics, or the terrific hosts and guests which regularly appear on the channel. Thank you, gentlemen! I am so grateful for the constant effort and execution. In my perfect world, I WOULD prefer, however, that three simple housekeeping items were observed: 1. No hats indoors 2. Business casual dress code. 3. No phrases ending with the word “at.“ At the extreme risk of coming across as ungrateful or arrogant, especially as a fellow Texas alum/fan, let me address each of these items in turn. 1. My Dad absolutely hammered into me that hats were never to be worn indoors. Carports and covered pavilions didn’t count, but, as a rule, if it had HVAC, a hat better not find my head. I know you must advertise for OTF, Duck Camp, etc., but there must be a better way. Hats should be for when you are out at practice. You never saw Tom Landry wearing the fedora indoors. 2. Rod B, Coach Shipley, and Gerry consistently appear in a COLLARED SHIRT. This means a lot! It shows respect for the audience and is consistent with the effort and preparation required to do a great job. It is when someone pulls a wrinkled T-shirt off the bottom of his pile of laundry three minutes after getting out of bed to do the show that the above-mentioned guys really shine by comparison.👊😂👊😂 3. My San Antonio Lee High School English teachers would have sent me to the basement of their grade books immediately for uttering the phrase… “where he’s at.“ Instead, let’s try… “where he is.“ …”that’s where he is on his recovery timeline.” where I’m at/where I am “The Broken Spoke!” “That’s where I am!“ where they’re at/where they are “That missed tackle perfectly captures where they are as a team.“ I would be no less devoted to your fine programming throughout the year if none of these above wishes came true. We are, however, University of TEXAS graduates and fans. Let’s aim even higher!!
  5. Thanks everyone for their responses and opinions. My original post was meant to contrast the ability Quinn showed in the Michigan game to EXTEND PLAYS WITH HIS LEGS to what we have seen since his return in the OU game. For example, the first touchdown pass to DeAndre Moore that was called back plus the one that followed to Gunnar Helm that counted…Quinn bought time and showed legit escapability to produce those plays. Where has that been since his return? I’m not saying he was Tarkenton or Mahomes at Ann Arbor but it was impressive, and he is not even attempting that style of play for some reason. I just wish I knew the reason.
  6. Excellent point. Even so, Quinn was downright rangy at Ann Arbor but has seemed a timid sack of bricks by comparison since his return from injury.🤘🤘
  7. Go back and watch the Michigan game. Quinn was scrambling all over the field zipping touchdowns off-balance on frozen ropes. His diminished overall performance and loss of mobility since the oblique strain MUST be due to factors other than “mental” or the dreaded “three-high safety look.“ They are sitting on something… Sort of like we all found out at the start of last season that Xavier Worthy had a broken hand the second half of the season two years ago. Perhaps even a different undisclosed injury? Totally different player compared to early in the season.
  8. I was privileged to be seated at midfield at The Big House on the railing of the tunnel used by both teams last Saturday. One cannot overstate the clear advantage Texas possessed in terms of size, strength, and conditioning when comparing the two rosters. It seemed as if Michigan belonged in a lower division of football entirely. I don’t think I would have been able to appreciate this degree of difference watching on TV from home. I think Michigan might be in for a much rougher ride this season than people are expecting. I also think we Texas fans might need to get a few more games under our belt before we think we might dominate other teams, especially SEC teams, the way we did that Michigan team. Makes me curious to see Georgia’s lineup that closely for comparison sake. Hook ‘Em!!🤘🤘 https://share.icloud.com/photos/0e6KuqO1alMZZJ-mtNSSiuI-A
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