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Everything posted by sui5

  1. They rolled into a cover 3 look sometimes post snap, but I do see what you're saying cause they stayed in 2 high a lot as well. I think they might present that 2 high look pre-snap to deter those throws cause they know Quinn won't adjust when they change post, but obviously that's just a guess. Quinn definitely did what was asked of him & operated within the offense, but idk I just expect more from a 3rd year qb in sark's system. Of course what I expect doesn't matter AT ALL (lol), but I think most of the consternation around QB rn is not about what he did against Vandy, but how that translates to our bigger opponents.
  2. The loyalty to a guy who is absolutely hampering this team rn is wild. We have no downfield passing game with 3 & other teams are starting to know it. We couldn't even get Vandy to respect it lolol
  3. I mean a little. I just expect much more from Texas I guess, I don't like comparing us to teams we should be better than
  4. What I'm saying is, I expected Texas to perform much better against Georgia than Clemson did. I thought our standard would be higher than Clemson's, and I still think it is, just don't love that comp is all
  5. That's why I said we're "supposed to be" better than them. Going into the season, we were under the assumption we had a top 5 QB, top 3 OL, and a ridiculously deep WR room. FWIW, I still think we still have two of those things. In my opinion, Clemson did not have those things (sure they have good players but not as good as ours), and that is why I think that's a bad comparison. The stats are what they are, & they are absolutely playing better offense than us rn. My point is, given the weapons & experience this team has at key positions, I think we should be a far better offense than Clemson.
  6. I'm sorry but are we trying to say Clemson and Texas are on the same level offensively? I get it Georgia's defense is good, they have great athletes and played a great game, but are we really about to absolve the absolutely dismal offensive performance with, oh well they did it to clemson too? Who cares?? Every single thing about our offense is supposed to be better than Clemson's (except maybe QB rn which is just, wow), that reasoning doesn't really track for me.
  7. Do you really think he can still make those throws? I mean I guess we'll find out, but that's not something that's ever been a strength of his imo. He doesn't seem capable or willing to drive the ball downfield right now
  8. What I'm saying is, if he is injured, as some people have suggested, why is he on the field? He's actively hurting this team by not being able to push the ball downfield and having poor eyes and poor feet. I don't actually think he's that hurt, I just think he either doesn't have the confidence to make those throws any more, or maybe he just can't drive the ball down the field well. Every throw that travels further than 15-20 yards is a moon shot with zero pace on it. It's really easy to defend when you don't have to worry about getting beat deep.
  9. Is it? This has been two weeks in a row that Quinn has had really bad feet and really bad eyes, the regression from a third year starter has to be concerning. If he's hurt that bad, why on earth is he playing?
  10. I disagree with this only because there were guys open multiple times in the first and second halves and 3 (& 16 once) either didn't see them at all, or he didn't pull the trigger. I just find it hard to put too much blame on Sark when we got such bad QB play. Yes the OL wasn't great, but I still think qb play exacerbated that to a big degree.
  11. I don't see how sark is responsible for a third year QB not seeing open guys and being scared in the pocket, but I guess Quinn just needs more reps? (lol) The problem I have is that Quinn is regressing to things he did in year 1, that's not on Sark in my opinion
  12. Please do not try to put this on Sark. 3 was so bad it wouldn't have mattered what he called
  13. This is not a bad rep from 78, 3 has to navigate for legit a quarter of a second and complete the pass
  14. Any Daylan McCutcheon updates?
  15. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t y’all say DK wasn’t even planning on taking a visit to Oregon as of 2-3 weeks ago? It just doesn’t make sense to me that they could’ve made up so much ground in the recruitment if that’s actually true.
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