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  1. Maybe I used the wrong wording i watch Bobby and Co daily yes they have said that on Oregon and DK Moore but not on most of these other recruits There’s no excuse for Pettijohn having an awful visit they have gotten absolutely pantsed on almost all of their top recruits they have won out on some of the mid tier guys that are honestly a crap shoot whether they will ever even play at Texas.
  2. I would say so many things happened for that mostly coaching carousels can we count on that every single season to flip highly touted targets?? this cycle seems different in those classes we had a lot of big fish out there to get the big fish have mostly been taken at this point
  3. I know but we have beat around the bush as teams like Ohio st, Oregon, and even Aggy have done better in recruiting at some point I would love some honesty and I don’t think Sark deserves the benefit of the doubt a top 10 class is trash anything past top 3-5 is terrible and on par with all the mid tier programs
  4. I feel like all the sites seem to be making a lot of excuses for bad recruiting Oregon is not outspending Texas they are out recruiting them. Ohio St is not out spending them neither is Bama, Georgia, or any of the other programs currently ahead of them in recruiting. At some point we have to stop making excuses and just admit we are getting embarrassed. Sark needs to make some adjustments plain and simple
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