As great a job as you guys do with our men’s football, basketball, and baseball teams ongoing it would be so great to also hear how our woman’s teams are doing in play as well as in recruiting. Our mighty volleyball, soccer, basketball as well as softball teams are all highly ranked and do deserve OTF’s support also. I know football is ruling right now and needs your attention most but want to just put it out there for discussion and feedback.
I know you do have special woman’s sports guests and Gerry does try to put in content as well as Blake and CJ but it would be great to have at least one special show as the woman’s sports seasons begin to introduce the returning players as well as the new players ongoing with recruiting included, and special reporting as needed or warranted. OTF is at almost 60,000 and I betcha there is a lot more interest than ya’ll might think in all sports.
Thanks for listening!