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About jake_don

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  1. Absolutely embarrassing and unacceptable
  2. To be honest we actually played pretty well tonight on the road after two Top 25 wins. We weren’t taking horrible shots and actually had a pretty nice offensive night. If they can play like that and not like the 1H of A&M and Florida we will be ok and peel off some solid wins to make the tournament. Tre hits that game winner 7/10 times, move on and keep playing hard.
  3. Have always liked Jeff Howe... Him with Rod on the Blitz was a staple of mine before OTF had their videos/podcasts.
  4. There is a chance that Sark leaves for the NFL at some point and we were made aware of that early on in his tenure at Texas. However, he is NOT leaving before Arch leaves Texas which is at least two more years. By then, who knows what kind of regulations are put in place to tame the Wild West world of CFB that we are in today. That might change things….. just my two cents.
  5. Yeah I’d cry too……
  6. He's going pro. Can all the Quinn talk just STOP? People complaining about his play, speculating about what he will do after the season, comparing him to Arch or vying for Arch to start. We are in a PLAYOFF RUN with him as our QB. I know Sark says they don't pay attention to the noise but it is so loud and so constant that I can't see how it doesn't affect Ewers. I believe Arch Manning is a generational prospect, I also believe he will win a Heisman at Texas. However, it is not his time yet this is Quinn Ewers team. We are coming off two straight Playoff runs and two regular season losses in two years. We wandered in the lost decade searching for a QB for 13 years and now that we have one everyone just wants to look for the next one, frankly it is exhausting.
  7. Cool video, Matt Jones was a freak in that 03 game... Also, what in the WORLD were those Arkansas uniforms! For me personally Arky is apart of two Texas games that are right up there with the worst of any game that occurred during the "Lost Decade" that is the Tyrone Swoopes Texas Bowl (2015)? and the Sark loss in Fayetville (2021). I think Sark takes the game this weekend personally and runs up the score, having them at 11AM is huge. That place was going bezerk in 21.
  8. Now that we're in the SEC I would love to get a Non-Con game going with KU every year. Really developed into a fun rivalry for me growing up and it's always great to have the opportunity to beat Self! You could make the argument nobody challenged KU with NBA talent more than us in the Big 12, however we were mostly outcoached after Barnes left.
  9. Two weeks of OU hate and two weeks for Quinn to get healthy, love it! The season starts now...
  10. Tre has “it”… straight up ball player and leader.
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