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  1. Ryan Day might win it all yet Buckeye fans want him gone 😂
  2. I think ND wins but not because of the weather. Bloomington is just as cold as South Bend. It will be because ND has the Jimmies and the Joes.
  3. Until... they add commercials to the Red Zone channel too because you can never be too greedy.
  4. If if was just Zachariah coming, I could understand, but you have to take him and his brother too. Rather have Singleton only and look for another portal safety than take Zachariah’s brother even though there may be better portal safeties out there.
  5. Rather have one Singleton than two Branch brothers. Would probably be cheaper too or you could allocate more to just Singleton.
  6. Yeah, they probably just want Zachariah too, but his brother is going to go where he goes.
  7. Given the choice between just Singleton or a packaged deal with both Branch brothers, I would take just Singleton. Save the $$$ for DTs. The WR room is good minus a speed guy.
  8. If you're that hungry come to the 40 young man. Enjoy some VY Steakhouse
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