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Everything posted by Dickerdakicker206

  1. How we feeling about our chances with him?
  2. So you’re on the side of Vikings trading up to 5 to get JJ?
  3. Well they haven’t offered yet 🙂 but I thought I heard something about in season visits to auburn
  4. I say if KJ keeps going on visits it’s fair game to offer. If he truly shuts it down that’s a different story. Unless they truly want 2 in the class
  5. If I recall, On3 has him in that five star category. I feel like I’ve heard you mentioned his potential, but you really think he should be that high nationally? Or more of like a top 100? Top 250?
  6. Discouraging that Neto still having trouble overtaking. Is it mostly processing? That floor v ceiling argument?
  7. Do you think Hutson could sneak into draft with 2 solid seasons? Curious to see how the Hutson vs Neto battle shakes out this spring.
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