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Bobby Burton

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About Bobby Burton

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Lifetime Longhorn

Lifetime Longhorn (9/9)

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  1. Sorry but there is no special code for the Co-Op. They’re a non-profit.
  2. Click bait. 100-percent.
  3. Despite his announcement to the contrary, Sydir actually never entered the portal and has decided to stay instead. Let’s see how it plays out.
  4. That would be good news, if it plays out this way. He needs to step up this spring!
  5. Much of what Quinn receives comes from non-Texas sources, like Dr. Pepper, so it’s not a one for one exchange exactly.
  6. I don’t think so. We shall see. Regardless, I’ll be rooting for him wherever he goes.
  7. I’m pinning this. This is how you go out.
  8. This is worth your time IMO. Well done, Aaron!
  9. Anyone who has Texas scoring 40+ in the first round hasn't actually followed Texas of late.
  10. Mentioned this yesterday. Just horrible.
  11. +1,000 Guys, please be aware of the possibilities of a fake and please try to verify before posting here.
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