Good poster from Surly. Knows as much about the program than anyone besides Gerry and Bobby when he really wants to find something out. Does not suffer fools. Will provide info that the pros can’t (or won’t). I find his English skills endearing and I Wish he would go to IT to see how many hours he lasts before he is banned for making a mod feel insecure.
It was hard enough for me to have lasted until this year with only two bans which were whitewashed from the boards because I wouldn’t bow down on a Texas NIL law despite having passed the TX bar and read the law and consulted with other lawyers I shouldn’t have to reveal my credentials to be taken seriously. Careful over there from my experience if you question something (some of the mods) rule like an invisible Luicci with the ban hammer.
Never feared posting with Bobby or Gerry. If you’re a professional and know how to run a business you don’t have to carefully write fearing you bruised an ego.
CTJ will say what he thinks regardless and his verbal attacks few will survive. If he behaves like he does on message boards I’d think he’s an idiot since he would likely alienate most of the people he encounters since “jerk” would be his default. He’s the “good” kind of jerk on message boards since he’ll make people think before they post unoriginal spam opinions that clutter most boards.
Hell. I probably just puked clutter on here but I can’t sleep so y’all are the victims. Fear not, however, I post about ten times a year. Don’t count my posts on here as I posted frequently when nobody was here yet hoping Gerry would come back.
Warning ‼️ ⚠️ Useless gripes below:
As for Paul, he writes everything in fiction-novella style. At some age (25?) I thought people aged out of overbearing smugness but he must have some kind of protein pills that deliver old-man muscles as well as mirror-shattering self-love (see! practically, no one noticed my Bowie reference and thus made my writing clever to only myself, harder to read for everyone else and yet somehow he was an English major. I hope I’m wrong because a regular high school English teacher should have beat that habit out of him but I thought he claimed that. I doubt most people get much from his arcane illusions but he was inconsequential and added little value beyond his ego-stroking cringe.
Ian seemed genuinely interested in football but unless you have lots of experience or are a football Xs & Os fanboy his audience is limited. I have obscure hobbies but they change frequently and seem more practical, for lack of a better word. Like I never played rugby and thus why would I waste time learning the intricacies of something I watch rarely. The obvious answer is it’s his job but the interest had to have come first. Right?
Sorry for the criticism of IT, as I know Bobby hates it, but I need therapy after my experience there and this is it.