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  1. Tennessee insiders are suggesting that Cam Seldon will be entering the transfer portal at end of the season. Would Texas be interested?
  2. There was a Longhorn, a Baylor Bear, and an Aggie that were each tasked with crossing a hot desert. They were asked that if they could only bring one thing with them, what would it be and why? The Longhorn answered: water, so if I get thirsty, I'd have something to drink. The Baylor Bear answered: food, so if I get hungry, I'd have something to eat. The Aggie responded: a car door, so if I get hot, I can roll down the window.
  3. Hey Gerry, is Texas looking at or interested in Xavier Warren at Georgetown at all? https://www.hudl.com/profile/18368674/Xavier-Warren
  4. Do an aTm sponsor is sponsoring the rivalry.
  5. KVUE 24 has video on YouTube.
  6. How long is this presser supposed to last?
  7. Is this gonna be live streamed anywhere?
  8. Texas v Oklahoma Texas v A&M Tennessee v Alabama Notre Dame v USC Air Force v Navy Texas Ex Life Member, so the two Texas rivalries are top of list. Vol For Life alumni member, so Rocky Top v Bama. Irish heritage, so ND's biggest rival in USC. Air Force veteran with my Dad being a Navy vet, so AF v Navy. 🤘
  9. Thanks Bobby! Sad you have to state this, but there are always going to be bad apples out there that need to hear it. Could you do an Aggie joke on Coffee & Football? 🙂
  10. My Tennessee Vols are still alive--gotta get past Creighton tonight though. Tough matchups in this one.
  11. Can't wait for this season. Here's hoping we have more than 5 breakout players coming out of spring! 🙂
  12. I actually put Roy Williams in there because of that "superman" sack in the Red River. Suprised nobody else besides Rod voted for that.
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