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  1. Don’t like it, but can’t change it. Just more time to focus on baseball.
  2. I meant years ago… MLB The Show 17
  3. MLB The Show is the main reason I switched from Xbox to PlayStation.
  4. Amazing game. They were horrendous in the first half and still took over.
  5. Absolutely. I prayed for him again just this morning and will be doing the same for you. God loves us all and amazing things can be possible through Jesus (Ephesians 1:3).
  6. There is no way to stop it. That cat is out of the bag. Forfeits would be an absolute ruination of college sports. “Congratulations to Alabama on winning the 2028 National Championship!! Wait…I am just hearing that as a result of their fans storming the field, Oregon is now winner of the 2028 National Championship.” Get a grip, dude.
  7. What I drink: Black coffee & cream/half&half. What I love but only get occasionally: a good, ice cold, Mountain Dew.
  8. What SIX quarterbacks are better than Quinn? Just, no.
  9. Hard to believe the phenom and face of the team is gone. I had an issue or two with him, but he’s irreplaceable. Somebody throw me a Lakers hat.
  10. From what I’ve read (and seen watching) Luka has distanced himself from the front office by not staying in shape and hurting the team. He also complains about refs and calls more than anyone I’ve seen. Stop arguing with the ref and finish the play- oooh they just scored again while you were whining. I used to be a die-hard Mavs fan. Nobody can fill the hole Dirk left. Modern basketball isn’t really appealing to me.
  11. Really great to hear, Blake. If you and your family ever need anything, holler. God bless.
  12. One of my biggest disappointments of Texas not winning it all was not getting to see @Bobby Burton eat mayo on a corn dog. It’s coming, Bobby….
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