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  1. Don’t remember when I signed up. I moved over from IT shortly after Gerry came back.
  2. Technically Notre Dame had scored more against Ohio State than we did.
  3. Surely they’re watching this game thinking, “That should be us.”
  4. I wish we could have another shot at Ohio State. Texas played them closer than anybody in the playoffs and should have had a tie game with 2:00 left.
  5. We’re in the 2nd quarter and they’re STILL doggin on Texas. Wish our OL had punched it in on the goal line…
  6. Going from Quinn to Arch, I think the offense will change enough it won’t matter.
  7. I am still concerned with our RB and WR depth. We have Arch, but who can we trust will catch what he throws?
  8. Now we see if the NFL finds a good spot for him or if a coach just throws him to the wolves because the fan base is sick of who they have at QB now.
  9. Jordan Schultz reporting Jerry and Deion have already talked and are going to have more discuss. Reports are saying he’s one of the “top candidates” and there is “mutual interest.” It’s about to be Prime-time in Dallas.
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