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  1. Tennessee looks horrible right now
  2. Who juuuuuuust happens to be on our side of the bracket if we beat ASU.
  3. Man the backup QB plays in a playoff game? Not a good sign.
  4. 3 points for SMU so far. I will be nervous for sure because, Texas fan, but Clemson surely didn’t do this to SMU.
  5. This SMU/PSU game feels like it’s taking forever.
  6. Eh, disagree. If Alabama lost to OU in Week 4 and then played well like South Carolina, I bet they’d be in.
  7. Let’s not forget Alabama lost in WEEK ELEVEN to OU; it wasn’t an early season stumble that they cleared, it was Week 11.
  8. Does Penn State clear 40 this game? Also- what does this tell us? 1) Penn State lost to Oregon by 8 2) SMU came back from down 17 and almost beat Clemson 3) Penn State is blowing out SMU …is the ACC that bad? …is PSU (and Oregon) that good? …is the SEC the only really good conference?
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