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About ETXHorn

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  1. Looks like Sark has taken over the Saban Re-ignition program for coaches to help further their careers after working in a quality program.
  2. Here's my take for what it's worth... (exactly nothing) --- We have all been to these types of events -- In the rain and the dark - shouldn't the officer, who was there to help control the area for the traffic fatality, have been in a MARKED yellow rain jacket? WE have all seen these "traffic helpers" (private security) at these events not know how to handle traffic - IF the officer had been in marked attire I'm confident the situation would have been different. Security guards do NOT have the same protection, and authority that the police have. Nor do they have the training. WE deal with these type of people on an occasional basis -- The tour players deal with these type of people on a week in and week out schedule. Scheffler who is above and beyond considerate (He was signing autographs well into the late evening until the last person in line was gone as can be seen on the golf Chanel last night) was in a marked player car - reportedly stopped as the officer banged on the car with his flashlight... as he was trying to enter the facility road that was specifically for players or high ranking personnel. The officer, should have been made aware of the situation and location -- With that in mind - Scotty should have been more aware as well. A Sad day for the tournament (death of a worker) - compounded by this public débâcle will hopefully work itself out with cooler heads prevailing.
  3. Leaving no doubt! Light the Tower!
  4. https://results.golfstat.com/public/leaderboards/gsnav.cfm?pg=team&tid=28822 Wow! Never saw this coming - Hoping it holds up tomorrow. Looking to bring another Big12 Trophy to Austin - Closing out a stellar Final Year!
  5. So glad Gerry is BACK!! And CJ Is a GREAT addition
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