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  1. Sark really has the right idea not pushing for commits early because they're meaningless. These kids aren't committed to anything, it's just a "this is my current favorite" meaning to them. This industry should really stop using commits until the season starts of their senior year.
  2. I think Bolden is too experienced and too productive to not factor into the top 4 receiver spots. He may be the starting slot.
  3. Team completely lost focus once Baylor went to a 1-3-1 and Disu went down. Very bad offensive sets and poor defensive rotations. Teams that make runs in the tourney can't lose focus like this. This team is close but not quite good enough outside of Abmas who can't win it by himself.
  4. I'm curious why would this be the case? Football and men's basketball are by far the two highest visibility sports in the country, and our athletic department has the resources to go all in on both of them. If you dominate those two sports you are the preeminent athletic department in the country to 99% of college sports fans and media. Why not put the effort and resources to really dominate those two?
  5. Whether this team is seen as a success or not in RT's first season will all come down to this next month. A very inconsistent regular season has put them in a bad spot for a low at large seed so they'll need to pull an upset or two to make a deep run. With virtually unchecked NIL and portal there's now zero excuses for the wealthiest athletics program in the country to not be competing with the top of the sport in the 2 big money sports. All the pressure is on RT to show he's the guy because CDC's stellar track record shows he won't enjoy sitting on a mistake for long.
  6. Great final 10 minutes to blow open a tied game to a 19 pt lead. Weaver and Disu coming up big, Weaver with 9 pts in about a 3 minute span
  7. For it to make a difference they need to make signing with a school binding again. Right now someone can sign then just portal if they change their mind. That makes coaches have to keep recruiting their own signees which makes it all fairly pointless IMO. Lock in a 12 month window where a signed can't transfer unless the HC leaves and then figure out the dates.
  8. Yes, this will surely happen right after Arch transfers there to fulfill his lifelong dream of playing for Mike Elko
  9. It was definitely a flagrant but I can see the argument over a 1 or 2. It's right in that borderline where I can see either way being justified. They're running after the ball and it's a shoulder check as opposed to the blatant elbows and punches we've seen this year, but at the same time he's not going for the ball and intentionally checking him into the table. Flagrant, but not really looking to injure. I have a feeling that play doesn't happen against a BYU or even TCU. That seemed to be a shot moreso to Joey McGuire's mouth as well as Yormark than to the tech player. Joey needs to retire the pep talks to the fans. It got his ass handed to him by 50 in Austin and now he's getting their basketball team destroyed at home.
  10. I don't know anything about baseball. Is Texas considered a contender?
  11. Sports writer for the AAS. At least he used to be, I'm not sure if he's still with AAS but I'd bet he is
  12. I don't believe 8 would have gotten it done. Does he not remember Alabama's HC Job Open and offered to Sark at the same time as the deal was being worked? Plus 10 per is going rate for coaches who build playoff teams. Aggies gave it to a coach who had built nothing for them.
  13. Immediately after going to a model where the playera are considered employees with contracts they're going to demand they no longer be required to go to school to play for the team. Then another hornet's nest is opened. It makes it more difficult that this really only applies to football and every other collegiate sport would have to stay under an NCAA type system with scholarships and NIL. I don't know how much money the football program delivers to the academic side of the university but will that diminish greatly? I personally do not want to see a football program where the players don't attend school at the university and that may ruin a lot of the joy in the game for me. Won't know until it happens.
  14. On paper this this an offense that makes you put 5 or 6 DBs on the field, and bets their 4th and 5th receiving options can eat up even very good teams' 4th and 5th DBs while also being able to run on your light box. Does paper turn into points?
  15. From purely the outside looking in would seem like a stupid lateral move, even if they offered a little more money. He would be leaving a program on the rise and a HC that is seemingly grooming him to be a HC one day soon for a job with a coach that has to pull off one of the greatest coaching jobs in CFB history to just keep his job past 3 seasons. If Alabama starts going 8-4 or 9-3 De Boer will be run out of town. Just doesn't make sense to jump on a leaky ship when you're cruising towards a future HC gig right now.
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