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Everything posted by Hermanator

  1. What does that position do? Does he make great coffee? Kidding, but wondering what the job is
  2. "I asked if Cordova would attend the spring game and was told "it's open to the public" Ouch. Yeah, that pretty much says it all right there. Hope the lad gets his head right and does good things out there going forward
  3. They beat those three teams they better not lose two games to the rest of the schedule
  4. I respect your opinion but I have a hard time thinking going 10-2 losing those 2 games would be worse than going 2-10 winning only those 2 games. Those games are rivalry games we want to win but we have much bigger fish to fry heading into the SEC. We need to establish consistent success, continue to build recruiting, and push towards winning a NC. Depending on how spring portal and off-season development shake out we could be a top 3 talented team with a top 3 QB in the nation this coming season. It's very possible
  5. I posted this on the morning recruiting nuggets thread the morning this came out and it's how I see this situation as it relates to Sark and the program "Situations like these remind me of a quote in the movie Casino where Joe Bob Briggs plays the nephew of an influential Vegas politician who as a pit boss lets 2 machines pay out jackpots back to back without realize he was being scammed. After firing him De Niro says something like "he was either in on it or too stupid to know the difference. Either way I can't use him". I see this the same. This kid either intentionally poisoned his teammate or was too ignorant to realize he was poisoning his teammate. Either way not Texas 2025 material." I don't know the kid and don't know the situation at all. I have no ties to LT. I just know right now we seem to have a pretty seriously tight locker room and little margin for error since we're legitimately aiming at a National Championship run over the next few seasons. I have a feeling this kid's offer has become non-commitable at this point. We'll never know though because the best course of action for Sark is to keep quiet publicly and just stop recruiting the kid. No reason to make a statement about it. I can understand how so many people would feel emotionally moved by this as so many people, myself included, have had a child get bullied in school. Many of us went through some level of it when we were kids too. It's a topic that hits home and induces rage rather quickly for so many people.
  6. If you're a Texas Ex and haven't been to the Ex's pregame center behind the stadium then should pop in for a bit just to check it out. Crown and Anchor is a great pregame place of you get there early. This will be a bit off topic of game atmosphere but for later in the night after an early game Tiki Tatsu-Ya on South Lamar is a great experience. Have to make reservations though.
  7. Cannot agree there. There's a chance Texas enters the season along with Georgia and OSU as the three best teams on paper. Best combination of talent, depth, and top end experienced talent at QB. If that's the case then being in the SEC title game and in the playoffs should be the expectation given not only what Texas has but what others (OU, Alabama, Michigan) no longer have. Of course on paper can burn up quick with injuries to key players and/or lack of development and focus.
  8. Depends on what they have in 2nd and 3rd year guys who will be counted on to fill roles of departing players. Depends on how good Ewers can be throwing to more speed than he's had before in his 3rd year starting. Depends on who gets injured and how severely. Way too early to set any expectations. Ask me on October 15th
  9. After thinking a bit more about it I tend to agree. Situations like these remind me of a quote in the movie Casino where Joe Bob Briggs plays the nephew of an influential Vegas politician who as a pit boss lets 2 machines pay out jackpots back to back without realize he was being scammed. After firing him De Niro says something like "he was either in on it or too stupid to know the difference. Either way I can't use him". I see this the same. This kid either intentionally poisoned his teammate or was too stupid to realize he was poisoning his teammate. Either way not Texas 2025 material.
  10. Had to look it up myself. While allegedly bullying a kid who is severely allergic to peanuts he put peanuts in his jersey. If I'm Sark and he's a borderline take I'm backing out. If he's a definite take I'm putting in the time to dig into this as much as possible to determine if you believe he knew this could kill a person or if he's just dumb. If the former then I'm out, if the latter then keep watching to see how he responds.
  11. I think the receivers who are showing out by end of August will get opportunities at reps. Then whoever produces will get more.
  12. 100 percent worth spending all that money that isn't mine on. I don't see Sark as getting Jimbo fat and happy. The first 3 years seems to show a guy who's obsessed with dotting I's and crossing T's. He keeps it up and he'll be here a long time with his ability to evaluate and develop QBs.
  13. That's just criminal. He showed so much promise, especially on the defensive end, as a freshman at ISU. There's a reason for the regression and I'd love to know what it is.
  14. The OT game against Houston was the one to win to get them in. They had no shot at this one from the jump ball barring a ridiculous shooting night
  15. They aren't getting this game barring drastic changes. Houston is amped up, their crowd is amped up, and we look like our inconsistent selves.
  16. Watching Hunter stink it up every time he touches the court is making my eyes sensitive
  17. I think that's the part that keeps me from ever being too invested in the basketball program even though I've been watching it and pulling for them since I was a kid. I never have a doubt they'll put everything in to win in football even if they screw it up at times, but seems they feel basketball is something it would be nice to win a title in but not dedicated to go all out to get it done.
  18. Been a disappointing season. If they don't make the tournament or barely sneak in and get bounced in the first round, I think Rodney Terry should get only one more season to get it right. This is a whole new era of big time college ball, and with the sheer amount of talent the state of Texas produces combined with the portal and NIL there's no excuse for this program to miss the tournament or barely squeak in.
  19. It's a coach feeling like his DC and he just aren't compatible in the way he feels they need to be compatible. Trying to dig into specifics would just be blind speculation, but Shanahan obviously felt the divide wasn't fixable moving forward.
  20. He didn't seem happy with some of the defensive calls in the 4th and overtime. Think even took a TO to change one. Guess he REALLY didn't like them.
  21. OL recruiting against OU is going to be tough since all these kids see OU line in shambles and a great place to play as a freshman, although only the very elite are ready mentally and physically to play as freshmen. Kids need to figure out the best path for OL is to sit a year or 2 then play 3 or 2 before going to the draft. If Cam Williams steps up and takes the job then plays a couple and goes high in the draft that should be the ideal path for the majority of top rated OL guys. Gus "The Bus" Cordova and Chuck McDonald are must gets just for those great throwback names alone.
  22. I don't think it's a sign of anything rotten. He followed DeBoer but in the end an opportunity to keep himself and his family in Seattle came up for a seemingly lateral position move. When you've gotten used to living on the West Coast going to Alabama probably doesn't sound so good, especially for the wife and kids. Saban was Alabama football. People went there just to play for or coach with the guy who brings national championships. DeBoer has done great things in his college career so far but he has a very long way to go before he has that kind of pull, and for many people outside of the deep south Alabama just isn't a desirable place to live.
  23. As Texas basketball found out being able to take over for another coach mid season isn't the same as being able to build and maintain a program. He might be able to do it but I can't imagine there won't be bumps in the road and mistakes he makes as a new HC. Even if ends up being very good it could take a few years to get back to title contender level.
  24. Unless Moore is just a ridiculously quick riser as a new HC I see Michigan falling off for a bit. Harbaugh cheated his ass off to finally get them their title then fled repercussions and took the staff with him. Moore now has to almost completely replace the staff, keep those players in the fold, and might be staring down some sanctions. All while having a fan base and donor base that just now tasted championship. I would not want to be a first time HC coach in that situation.
  25. Offensive line that could be improved over '23 3rd yr starting QB who will be drafted Damn, I would not want to be a defensive back or defensive coordinator preparing for this team next fall.
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