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David Latiolais

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  1. Ok with only two teams left, is DL recruiting done? I can't see OSU or ND kids jumping in the portal? Not sure we will see Penn St. Kids jumping in? So who is left? Spring? If a coach leaves or is fired can a kid jump in? It's about time for coaches to be moving.
  2. If the Texas team that has showed up the last 3 games and the OSU team that played the last two games Texas will lose 31-20. If Quinn plays his best game of the year, and the defense can put pressure on the QB/sack him Texas can win 31-28.
  3. How much does recruiting burn you out. If it becomes painful, then he could easily go to the NFL. If he like doing it he will stay at Texas.
  4. I get that, but doesn't seem to be a priority. I think he has good hands so it's either bad route running, or learning the playbook.
  5. Wasn't that bad of a shot. Come on, 6 mil? We are all thinking the same thing. Is there any college kid worth 6 mil? But, if Washington is the best landing spot for J. Cook, then he should do some soul searching.
  6. Ryan Neblett is really fast, what is going on that he is not progressing to be that speed guy?
  7. Interesting, no SEC officials in this game and no holding penalties on Texas? Wow the coaches must have really worked hard with Texas players not to hold in this game. Let's hope we don't see any more SEC officials the rest of the playoffs.
  8. That entire OSU team was damn good last night. They made Tenn look like A&M. Lol
  9. If last night's OSU team shows up against Oregon, OSU wins.
  10. Just curious, how much money would a Team have to pay for an elite DL kid? Over $1 mil, 2 mil, 3 mil?
  11. Could he be going to the NFL?
  12. Seems like bigger ranked guys went to other schools Oregon, Miami, USC and TT? Just a question here. How is this big game hunting for DL? Under 300 lbs? The portal timing sucks, how many guys can you meet with when your in the playoffs? How many guys are still playing in the playoffs have not entered. Every kid knows Texas will need DL next year, but haven't seen a lot of movement for big time kids not in the playoffs that would want to move to Austin? Let's hope there is a Bill Norton out there and Lula (spell).
  13. Get well and make it home for Christmas. Texas 20 Clemson 13 If Texas doesn't miss two FG then 26- 13
  14. Sark called me about this, I told him to skip them both and find a really slow guy to catch the defense off guard. LoL
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