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  1. Agree but kings act like kings and not knaves.
  2. Prayer lifted for you and your family.
  3. I don't think so. I was thinking about Jeff Leiding today. Number 60 you know. I knew that he had passed a while ago and and "googled" him. I was led to a piece that Bill wrote after Jeff's death. It was joy mixed with sadness as I marveled at Bill's prose while also being filled with melancholy over an old hero that died too young. I will miss them both. I wish that there had been someone who could have written an epitaph for Bill like the one that Bill wrote for Jeff. But then, there was only one Bill Little.
  4. I would really like to know this. Seriously. Is he even in football now? It seems to me that, if he were doing anything worthwhile, he wouldn't have time for foolish drivel like that.
  5. My thoughts exactly. He should be 285-290 this time next year. 300 to 310 by his redshirt freshman year.
  6. Well, I did copy and paste. I guess no discount for me.
  7. This is the same for me.
  8. Thanks for the report, Bobby.
  9. Watched it on YouTube. Excellent.
  10. A take for sure. He is old school: just grab them all and peel them off until you get to the one with the ball.
  11. Great episode. Enjoy your vacation, Bobby. Don't think for a minute about all of us who are suffering without your input. 😉
  12. Great stuff guys.
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