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  1. That roster is over 40 and I think the limit for this year is 40. I guess there will be more cuts to come if that is the case.
  2. This was suggested above- --------------------- "When do we get lineup projection? I'll take a stab... Winfield LF mendoza 2nd belyeu RF flores ss Stewart 1st kimble/borba DH will G CF ARod 3rd galvan C" -------------------------- I think D1 baseball has Schuessler at 1st and Borba at DH. Of course, spring practice will flesh that out (hopefully). We will be in Arlington for the whole weekend series. We hope to get a good look at the new roster as well seeing some other schools in action.
  3. RIP. I knew his younger brother from baseball and football in high school and got to meet Bobby once. I was shocked to see what an offensive lineman in college looked like and he was not one of the bigger ones. His neck was twice the size of mine and his thighs made made mine look puny.
  4. That dancing reminded me of Aggie Yell Leader tryouts or something. I hope that was in jest.😄
  5. I don't know anything about the Phillies farm system but I hope it is good and that Dylan prospers in it.
  6. No thoughts. I don't like either team.
  7. I like that, because it may give more and better practices for schools, particularly due to a lot of inclement weather in a lot of the country. Starting play in February is brutal and not even possible up north. I grew up in Houston and our February practices could be extremely cold and impermissible at times and good weather didn't really start until Mid-March or so. Some of the northern schools never have an outdoors practice until they travel south or west for their first road trip. Pushing the season back a week or two might help as well.
  8. Crazy idea. If that holds up because the money comes from the schools, the schools and boosters would probably have to back to some of the external collectives not run by the schools. However, the Dept of Ed may have just put a bigger target on its back from the new administration. Some people would like to get rid of it all together. There is no equal pay for faculty and a lot of staff so why should the same be true for athletes.
  9. I worked in a research lab back in the mid to late 70s and we had a poster of Farrah on the wall.
  10. We'll be there unless you need heavy coats. It can be very cold there even in March. If not there I will cast it on our large screen tv and drink hot chocolate or an adult beverage.
  11. Funny how the SEC had Hill second team and Taaffe not at all that I recall.
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