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Burnt Orange Horn

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First Round Pick

First Round Pick (8/9)

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  1. Cannot wait for Gaggie trolls to choke over this one.
  2. That is stellar! 🤘🏻⚾🤘🏼⚾🤘⚾🤘🏽⚾🤘🏾⚾🤘🏿
  3. A surprising hire, yes. A splash hire, no. A successful hire, certainly.
  4. Actually he was employed by USC for 2 or 3 days before Sark called.
  5. So I honestly do not remember any SPLASH went Choice was hired. It is sad he will not be around when his recruits gets drafted. Only transfer Keilan Robinson a transfer was drafted. All the others were Drayton's recruits.
  6. He has to learn to throw up the Hook Em sign between 2nd and 3rd on the HR.
  7. Probably 30% of explosives get to the end zone. So that eliminates some red Zone problems.
  8. Alabama in 2022 and 2023. Where were you??
  9. I thought Pryor was injured earlier this season?
  10. Might want to consider baseball, tennis, golf swimming.
  11. Oscar Giles recruited all those DL through Collins and Broughton. Bo did not recruit at all.
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