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Burnt Orange Horn

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  1. At Love, hopefully! 🀘🏻🏈🀘🏼🏈🀘🏈🀘🏽🏈🀘🏾🏈🀘🏿
  2. The FCS seemed to better project the best teams to play without catering to TV viewer count. Gronowski of SDS looks like a better QB than any of the QB the CFP teams have fielded so far.
  3. Just like that dominant over nobodies Indiana team, right? πŸ€”πŸ™„πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
  4. More eyeballs in the Mid West and Texas than the rural deep South. TV numbers over the merit of the teams' season records. TV is big on the Coasts then the mid west and Texas. Everything else is peanuts.
  5. Six of the top 10 teams are in the SEC. Two or three in the B1G. Then ND or another SEC team. Every one else fighting to be in 10-25.
  6. It is time to recognize the CFB Committee is not about good football as much as it is about big TV viewing numbers. It is scared to generating the maximum TV ad revenues, not the best teams playing each other.
  7. Which week the loss occurred really is insignificant compared to the loss itself.
  8. Bama beat Georgia, so the loss to OU is evened out at worst. I agree with Onorato that SC had it very much together at the end of the season. Any bets on PSU against a back-up QB led Georgia?
  9. CJ, you just contradicted yourself and validated my argument. Indiana and SMU beat nobody. PSU and ND beat only marginal teams.
  10. No, the committee did not weigh SOS sufficiently. Mississippi and Bama deserve to be in over these schools.
  11. Just keep Klubnik behind the LOS and make him pass. 🀘🏻🀘🏼🀘🀘🏽🀘🏾🀘🏿
  12. CFP EMERGENCY MEETING!! They will be voting on a mercy rule for SMU.
  13. One thing for sure is that Texas and Clemson will show the two best QB in the CFP, so far. The previous ones are not even draftable. 🀘🏻🀘🏼🀘🀘🏽🀘🏾🀘🏿
  14. What was the Committee thinking??? πŸ€” πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
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