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Randy Crownover

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Everything posted by Randy Crownover

  1. Wynn just manhandles those poor OLs, lol. Wynn penetrates, throws down the OL, then tackles the RB hard. Wynn’s the type of DL that the opposing coach sits down his stud OL and says, “It’s okay, John, we’re gonna get you some help blocking Wynn.” Then Wynn just crushes both OLs, lol. Texas just might need a Wynn if they want to win it all.
  2. Glad to slap TT hard. Almost done with the weak tacos.
  3. Let’s hope GA fills its ranks with someone other than Choice.
  4. If I had a vote, I say get the lawyering done this week and offers go out by the weekend. The law seems to be settling in this area: standard EOR-EEE law.
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