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Freshman (1/9)

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  1. Kid needs better guidance. No school will give him meaningful snaps on the DL as a 17 yr old. Whoever he signs with won't be his final stop.
  2. The Cal home crowd makes you understand why college gameday is so picky with the games they choose. Place is silent.
  3. It's crazy it took Michigan this long to play Tuttle.
  4. Reporter: "Diego how do you feel about-" Diego: "Shiiiid" 🤣
  5. This would be one of the biggest upsets in the history of the sport.
  6. Vandy needed that turnover. The upset alert is real now.
  7. Vandys probably done scoring for the day.
  8. Carson Beck always looks FRIED
  9. Whoa it's Mookie Cooper
  10. Milroe has been a beast ever since he took the L to us . Impressive dude.
  11. Cam Ward should win the Heisman. Something tells me he'll get a lot of comeback to win/superman performance opportunities with Miami.
  12. Been rooting for the Miami L but that's a clear incompletion.
  13. Just like with Nebraska, ya knew this was coming with Miami. Friday games are so chaotic and I love it.
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