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Nathan Ross

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About Nathan Ross

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Freshman (1/9)

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  1. My guess is the tight end. Following the visits and the level of panic in Collie Station I’m thinking they go all in
  2. Is someone in this thread cutting up onion? Asking for a friend. We are fortunate to cheer for some fantastic young men. Thanks to Coach Sark for building a culture we can be proud of and thanks to Bobby for sharing
  3. Hat’s off to you for being able to wait 30 min for an update. I haven’t made it past 15-18 min in quite some time
  4. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I was having a hard time understanding how that happens
  5. Feast or famine on the home vs away part. Hard to think about being away from DKR for 5 consecutive weeks
  6. There’s no way he’s going to the league? Or no way…..he’s going to the league?
  7. They will be fun to watch this year
  8. I will be closely monitoring this case. Although I’m now 52, I didn’t have the opportunity to receive NIL as a college athlete so if he wins I’m filing suit and plan to return to the diamond in 2026. With that said I’m now entertaining NIL offers in preparation for my return
  9. I second the motion🙋🏼‍♂️
  10. Good post. Many good teams around the country have similar night’s Georgia included. The great ones bounce back
  11. Hope your Ffinger heals up soon young man!
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