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Everything posted by ChoateTheGoat

  1. Wow thanks so much!
  2. Does anyone know how strict FloSports is on password sharing? I bought a subscription to watch the baseball games this weekend and want to know if it’s safe to share with my friends.
  3. Got it thanks. I saw that. Was hoping there may be a cheaper alternative
  4. Does anyone know where we can stream this year’s Shriners Classic next weekend?
  5. LFGGGG been waiting on this one! 🤘 Can’t wait for more On Texas Baseball!
  6. That would be so awesome!
  7. I know Bobby will like this. Chris Simms appears to have completely embraced being a Longhorn again with the way he talks about Texas. It warms my heart.
  8. I see that the tailgate is open to people who purchase a ticket and "season pass members". How does one become a season pass member?
  9. What about Mo Blackwell? I don’t see him listed there but he recorded a tackle on defense
  10. Was one of them Zach root? He just committed to Arkansas
  11. If this hasn’t already been said, I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you. Your coverage of Texas’ baseball situation has been 2nd to none in the industry and it’s been so fun following along on. And like you said, we’re not done yet! 🤘
  12. Schloss confirmed?
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