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About davideowens

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  1. Yeah….if the Shaw/Brevard combo proves to be strong and veteran….January/Hills combo shows great promise….and 2 of the Sharma/Charles/Terry threesome look like they might contribute like January did last year….i’m gonna be feeling better coming outta Spring! Also at 280-290, I could see the Jackson/Terry combo on the interior in our NASCAR package!
  2. All we need is ONE great season, right CJ!?
  3. We WIN either way, cuz one of them will lose!
  4. Awesome show! Let me say one thing Bobby… I’ll watch any show, any time, & any where that Coach Erwin is on! ***MAS ERWIN***!!!
  5. Gerry….am I a bad person to hope he is just average at college baseball & a STUD at football….in Austin of course!!
  6. Gerry….What would Baker do with Sanders, Guidry, Sims, and Battle by year 3!? Just too limited physically!?
  7. Gerry…. Could Hines and Phillips be our Safety takes!?
  8. As Jimbo would say, “You’re the Missing Piece young fella”!! Haha!!
  9. ARCH is gonna love those 2 guys in 2025!!
  10. Excellent reporting Gerry…..way to go!!
  11. So Gerry…..what do you think about Jackson Blackwell’s (Lorena, Tx) tape and squat/bench numbers??
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