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Everything posted by PinchPullPancake

  1. Ryan Williams will look great in burnt orange
  2. T Town might burn down if Bama loses today
  3. LFG!!!! 🀘🏾🀘🏾🀘🏾🀘🏾
  5. Perfect. They didn’t over do it.
  6. The entire SEC will get the full understanding of the RRR this weekend. 🀘🏾
  7. Only one, but he will be going pro at years end .
  8. the refs are beating Mizzou. This game is going to get worse. Mizzou has checked out.
  9. Mizzou checked out after the Burden TD was called back. This is going to be a massive blowout win for AGGY. Let them keep winning so we can rip their hearts out after Thanksgiving.
  10. Badgers giving USC all they can handle
  11. Ole Piss hit 17 feels like to much to ask of Kentucky on offense
  12. Kentucky strong on the LOS
  13. Kentucky leaves a lot to be desired on offensive creativity.
  14. Kentucky plays physical. It will be a buckle your chinstrap game
  15. K State huge forced turnover
  16. Kentucky has a nice DL.
  17. Baylor needs to blow the whistle.
  18. I can give a few goal line carries like The Fridge.
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