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Trojan Horn

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  1. Born and raised in Northwest Hills, moved to West Campus to attend UT, and then have bounced around after college living as far south as 5th Street and as far north as North Loop. Well traveled, I know.
  2. Okay fine, I'll be the idiot that asks... Any concern of CDC following Hartzell? I'd assume absolutely not but I'm no more than a plebian fan.
  3. Correct, I'm not suggesting that they would do that or had any desire to.
  4. I think that he has a reason to be motivated to prove the coaching staff wrong, but he didn't articulate that well at all. He was told that he was not good enough to play at Texas and encouraged to seek opportunities elsewhere. He did that and is now playing football and is happy. If the coaching staff didn't care about him as a person they would have strung him along for four years as a scout team guy and then his dream would have really been over.
  5. Are you sure you didn't stop at your Top Artist and not get to your top podcast?
  6. I think Jonah Williams could fit the bill on all four of these questions but for the sake of playing the game I’ll say… 1. Highest Ceiling: Kaliq Lockett 2. Highest Floor: Lance Jackson 3. Team Need: Myron Charles 4. Most Important: Jonah Williams
  7. Does anyone know of any groups that are organizing shuttles/busses to and from the game this weekend? I see a handful of aggie alumni orgs have busses but limited options on the UT side of things. Thank you in advance and Hook 'Em!
  8. Sounds like Myron Charles had changed his plans, to be in Austin instead! 🤘🏼
  9. 38-27 Texas
  10. Me at 10:02pm tonight after Gerry and Bobby make comments that I can't help but overthink for 5 hours....
  11. @Gerry Hamilton @Blake Munroe Have y’all heard much about who A&M’s next coach is likely going to be? It feels like anything less than a big name, splash hire would be a letdown given the position they find themselves in. I imagine an underwhelming hire would also help us maximize our portal poaching success!
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