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Tuco Ramirez

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About Tuco Ramirez

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First Round Pick

First Round Pick (8/9)

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  1. We have to have a top tier QB named Gunner. It’s right up there with Colt.
  2. Great interview! Nice to see he is so level headed and mature. And Taaffe, from walk on to Lambo.
  3. Interesting change on his part. NIL wasn’t important to him previously. This is a big deal.
  4. With the difficulties Texas has had in the red zone over the last two years, I like that Sark is throwing the kitchen sink at the problem. He brings an innovative concept that can help with very little risk to Texas.
  5. Welcome to OTF, Jeff! Great to have you. I think the OL will develop nicely over the course of the season, but they are going to have a hell of a first test against OSU in a tough environment.
  6. Damn. I have to wait until May for my 1 yr.
  7. This is all very sad. On3 reporting that he was only on campus for 2 days when he was dismissed. People keep making AB comparisons but my fear is that he goes down the Maurice Clarett or Lawrence Phillips road which would be a real tragedy. I just don’t think he has the support to avoid really bad decisions.
  8. If that’s true about Cook, then that’s very sad. There has to be someone mature in his life that can tell him to cut this sh!t out. The way he’s going, he’s just going to be one of those “whatever happened to…” guys. And he’s so talented
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