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  1. Ouch. But a s—t ending to a pretty s—t season feels pretty appropriate. Pierce has GOT to go get a LEGITIMATE pitching coach. Hello SEC YIPPEE! 🤣
  2. Anyone who employs a dude from Comanche,TX is good in my book 😆 I’m a big Vitello fan. But he’s too edgy for the softies at Texas. I’d put those chances at about 0.0.
  3. Have a hunch Vitello is about to be on that pie in the sky list. He’s kind of an ass. And I like it! Sign him up! 😀
  4. I just joined yesterday. Be gentle. 😆 I’d love to see the list. Corbin just got bounced early. Vandy might be feeling a little stupid. Go pounce on him! (I kid…sorta).
  5. I won’t ever argue against Texas not being in the top 10 in recruiting baseball players. Just like football, it should never happen. I’m with you here man. I suppose DP should then be taking a ton of credit for developing a lot of those classes he’s gotten. But…but….(Rod Babers but rant here)…..the pitching has ABSOLUTELY gotta be better. Or Pierce has to go. It just cannot continue like it has this past season or we’ll get buried in this new league. BURIED. Just such an odd position with Pierce. 3 Big 12 titles, 3 CWS appearances with one runner up finish. Most schools would offer lifetime contracts ha! But this is Texas. And with this pitching fiasco I’m about at the belief that he’s maxed himself out here. Odd position for the decision makers too I suppose. But I don’t think he’s fired this year. He’ll get a year in the SEC and if he faceplants then of course I think that makes it easier, optics are better for the admin etc. And we all know too well how the UT admin loves their optics.
  6. I don’t disagree with the spirit of this whatsoever. I 100% get it. The repeating errors in that situation and stage are certainly inexcusable for sure. I’m betting Jalin would be the first to say it. Hell I wanted to break my tv in half last night watching it. But the kid oozes talent and has big league potential. And above all he’s wearing that T on his cap. And he wants it more than any of us for damn sure. So no matter how mad I get I just always try to remember that. That said with the times we’re in, the public criticism is going to come. Fans are gonna be fans. And most of them are gutless dorks that have never competed for anything significant in their entire lives. So it shouldn’t bother me. But it still does. I wish they’d go chirp that weak s—t to these guys’ faces. But of course that’ll happen the same day Margot Robbie professes her undying love for me. 😂
  7. I have a hard time buying this one completely based on some of the badasses that have come through on his watch. I mean that Melendez guy was awful. 😆 Faltine, Ardoin, Hodo, Antico, Campbell, Kennedy, Madden, Hansen, Zubia, Cam….that’s just off the top of my head. I’ve especially loved the power bats he’s brought in. Really like his belief in recruiting mashers. And the defense has been stellar throughout most of his career here (probably most credit to Tulo there). HOWEVER…..the pitching situation has clearly become an issue. The firing of Woody just didn’t make any sense to me. Maybe I’ve just missed it but does anyone know what the hell happened there? The guy was nails at San Jac forever but then comes here and forgets how to coach? Was he running hookers and coke or something? Alcohol? I’m kidding…sorta. Seemed like it had to have been something bizarre because none of that made any sense to me. I’m actually conflicted on Pierce. I really like the guy and a lot of what he does and of course has done here. But this pitching fiasco doesn’t add up to me at all. And if he sticks around seems to me they gotta make him bring in a legit pitching coach. Or we’re about to get smoked in the SEC.
  8. Now that’s a whole other discussion ha! Who do you replace him with? Serious question.
  9. But never to Blake’s face. Nor Jalin’s. If it makes you guys feel righteous and like a tough guy talking s-t about athletes on a message board, go right on ahead. Lulz
  10. Deep breaths my friend. Think of it as your own boy out there. It sucks for sure. He’s gotta make those plays. But he’s also a kid working his a$$ off for this program and has had an outstanding season. He just hit a granny on Friday for cripe’s sake. Shamed and ridiculed…. come on man.
  11. Blake! Never concede anything to those clowns! Horns by 20! 😁
  12. Hola muchachos! 🤘🏻Just signed up. I’m just here for Gerry’s Manscape ads.
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