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GPW Horn

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Everything posted by GPW Horn

  1. Johnny Walker Black (good enough for Churchill good enough for me haha) Also a big fan of a Blanton Old Fashioned at the Carousel Bar in New Orleans
  2. Knox City, TX - UT grad ‘87 - El Paso - Houston - now West of Georgetown. And I agree with an earlier poster … the area between Georgetown and Liberty Hill down to Cedar Park is getting way too crowded 😎
  3. Picked this up for $20 at a flea market in Jersey Village back in the 90s (wasn’t framed).
  4. Just went to watch the replay of his TD and realized he also wears #7 …. Ok I’ll let it go now 😎
  5. Would anybody be down with the James Bond guitar theme for Isaiah Bond home game TD celebrations? I realize it would have to be after Smokey and Texas Fight … but might could be cool? Or maybe I’m just old haha
  6. I’m really hoping to see Jelani McDonald and Morice Blackwell make bigger contributions on defense this year as well
  7. @Gerry Hamilton, any chance the TE from Mater Dei, Spencer Shannon, grows into an OT? Or is he a jumbo TE all the way?
  8. Is June 21-23 the last OV weekend for all schools? Or can kids still visit June 28-30?
  9. Gerry, you’re on fire with the visit updates!
  10. Gerry, when you say revenue sharing … is that something different than sharing the TV contract payouts by conference?
  11. Love this kid’s game! And it looks like he’s getting a little bigger? Out of ‘does he spread the ball around’ curiosity , does anyone know how many of his completions are to his 5-star teammate vs his other pass catchers?
  12. Extremely happy to see Mr Gilbert back on the 40! Per your article Bobby, I think it guards against any potential organizational dip and it ensures momentum continuity with DFW recruiting. Nice to see Sark making moves after the Glasscick departure.
  13. Congrats to those getting promoted - but I’m curious as to why Glasscock left at a time when the program is surging. Did he leave for more money? Like Bo Davis? Did philosophical differences emerge? Was it the GM title? Surely not since we just gave that to Harris. Apologies if this has already been answered elsewhere
  14. Following Bobby for the best UT content - from 247 to IT to OTF ! Happy to be here !
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