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  1. Idk pretty sure hilsons gonna be a battle with him scheduling a OV with the gaggles for Texas.
  2. You know who it is??? Nathan Tilmon?
  3. How we feeling on Levi Sterling, Bryce Rainer, and Theo Gillen?
  4. He’s a Texas Longhorn until proven otherwise.
  5. Not what IT said they said 1.3 and Justin was VERY close with DK But ima stick with Gerry and Cj and say your right.
  6. He’s not going to decommit twice because of two reasons. 1. Oregon offered 1.3 Million a Year. A YEAR. 2. I don’t Think and mods from other sites don’t think Texas will still pursue him after he didn’t even tell Texas his decision.
  7. Texas had all the boxes checked that he was looking for and we were trending heavily until Last night no way Oregon just magically became the leader something’s gotta give.
  8. Gerry do you know if it’s going to be a Live announcement?
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