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  1. Need to get Baker to work on his Hook'Em hand sign. Looking more like the NWO Wolfpack there. LOL
  2. Must be a bad hamstring if it has kept him out since the senior bowl.
  3. I'm assuming the 366 weight is more ideal than what they were thinking he would weigh in?
  4. How many out of the 4 are we likely to get?
  5. I always feel like Brock is on the wrong side of the deal every time lol.
  6. I'd offer the 3rd to get the other 2. Being the "runt" at 275 has room for development.
  7. He's saying the right things about Texas going for another NC run. Hopefully it's enough to snag him.
  8. He's going to be a monster. He'll be playing on Sunday's.
  9. They played some good ball this weekend.
  10. Can't make rules up as you go and you can't enforce rules that aren't a rule.. lose again NCAA
  11. NCAA needs to sit down and be lucky it's still something. In the mean time.. money is about to pony up!!
  12. Awesome write up. Moore will be dominate in the SEC i'm sure of. Hope Filsaime gets his time to shine this year.
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