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Everything posted by ColeyCole

  1. Have a great day pinkman_90 . I hope to see you next week vs CSU. 💕
  2. I’ll never be a victim simply explaining cause and effect. See u at all the home games #Hook Em
  3. Sir u keep missing the point. All was well until a certain staffer decided to without reason or warrant “abuse” his power. Has nothing to do with access I’ve been on campus since then and will be back in the future. One bad staffer doesn’t speak for the whole group. Fun fact I was at the family and friends scrimmage. Your welcome.
  4. You want the truth ? Or u gonna bash me when I tell you the facts ?
  5. I’m sorry to hear that ….. What was your issue ?
  6. Or maybe just maybe. I’m teaching my kids to value relationships. Be good genuine people. Don’t treat people bad just because u don’t know them.
  7. No I brought the information and I was discredited and disrespected for simply sharing my experience …..
  8. Top 5 -6 for the best college town in America with the most NIL funds available ? This is Texas at the end of the day if u okay with losing recruits to Ou Oregon and LSU cool.
  9. One could say it has we have missed in some great players who we shouldn’t have….. I’m sure there is a recruit u wish Texas had gotten over the years ….. Evan Stewart ? Dakorien ?
  10. U shouldn’t lol I got kids on Texas that played for my team and kids Texas is currently recruiting ….. I’m sorry u don’t like the truth.
  11. Lol none of this is helping man that’s fine u don’t have to care . I gave u the information I chose not to take it. Good luck keeping half your roster.
  12. Career lmao I do that for charity I have a day job.
  13. Wish I was wrong
  14. The mods know me in real life they know I’m not lying …..
  15. Thank you bro and it’s still hook em. I want things to improve but if everytime people get inside info and they choose to not listen ……. Welll I can’t help.
  16. Hook em !!!!!!
  17. Well that’s because Texas doesn’t pay there players . Can’t brag about being big bad Texas and having excess nil funds Then get out bid ( which they didn’t ) by Oregon. Time to sell the lambos !
  18. Yea so I guess Sean Mcvay and Dan lanning don’t know ball lmao . In this buisness y you are either getting promoted or demoted. The fact u have goes on your staff who can’t get a title from lesser programs says a lot. If u think Samples wouldn’t lock up the state with a Texas logo then I don’t wanna have any more conversations .
  19. If a guy who went from working for free to the youngest Assistant head coach in cfb is overhyped wtf is half the staff ?
  20. We would with better relationships within Texas ….. ps Rashaad samples says hello from Oregon.
  21. At Florida yes but do the 15 or so dbs drafted in rounds 3 and up not count at lsu ? It’s a reason he was fired and still had interest from p4 schools. Terry joseph lose this Texas job he might me coaching hs baseball
  22. Sorry I was typing while driving I would not recommend it. One this isn’t on terry joseph . Blake Gideon was kade phillips main recruiter. Please stop blaming the corners coach for a safety commit who should have been recruited as a corner.
  23. lol what does that even mean ? Corey joseph has more nfl corners than _____. No offense . He is a man corner coach and we typically don’t recruit those because PK scheme played a lot of zone on the back end.
  24. Thank you Bobby. Kade Phillips can play corner back at an extremely high level. He trains with one of the best corner back trainers in Texas in Jahlil Johnson( he trains Devin Sanchez)
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