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Everything posted by ColeyCole

  1. Why isn’t it ? I guess thanks for calling !
  2. Why does the goal post keep moving …. Of course we can’t land everyone but if we can’t land any of the top corners in Texas , missed on the top we in Texas multiple top dl in Texas chose elsewhere ….. I think it’s a problem
  3. I think that’s why we haven’t reached the grand pinnacle. Has to mean more. State on your chest family on your back. It’s a reason every school in America wants a pipeline into Texas. The best in Florida / Cali / Hawaii don’t always mean better than the home state kids.
  4. Heard this all too many times ….. when does it end ? I thought the best players in Texas were supposed to stay and play in Texas ?
  5. 1000 percent agree . If u don’t believe me ask Brandon Harris what he said to Evan Stewart that made him decommit from Texas …….. then ask dakorien Moore how he feels about Brandon Harris !
  6. Look at this guy 😭😭😭😭😭 if u can’t take the heat don’t engage in the conversation #LogOff #CyberabullyingIsntReal
  7. I will one final time . On Twitter. In a space. Dm me for the time and place.
  8. Cry harder 😭😭😭😭😭 enjoy your day #HookEm #FireBrandonHarris
  9. Yes it does. Brandon Harris just got a here. We was born in this Texas _____.
  10. I’ll be waiting 😭
  11. 😭😭😭😭😭 and that’s exactly why this decommitment gone hit like crack in the 80s…… learn how to treat people .
  12. You don’t care how staffers treat friends and family of a player ? Yikes.
  13. Ding ding ding
  14. Idk who the butt hurt one but tonight shall be a good night……. Please report back here.
  15. Me too Brandon Harris kicked my buddy off a Texas commits OV…… told him he needed to build equity before he could get access on campus……
  16. After the news breaks today everyone should tweet equity to Brandon Harris
  17. 👀👀👀👀👀 I have some for sale
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