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About JMarquette

  • Birthday 12/13/1995

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  1. RT shouldn’t be allowed on the plane back. FFS, this is terrible.
  2. Bats have been silent against Ivy League powerhouse Dartmouth.
  3. Schloss left Rojas in too long again. Twice now.
  4. He absolutely could have started out with that.
  5. I just saw it on Twitter and everyone reacting to it like he was coming back - don't know if it's true, but would be big if possible.
  6. @CJ Vogel @Bobby Burton @Gerry Hamilton and @Jeff Howe I saw Bill Norton post on X and it sure looks like an announcement that he's returning. Can you guys tell us what happened here, if he's returning, and how he would be able to do that?
  7. This game is utter chaos
  8. I’m an Iced Black unsweet tea guy all day.
  9. Spring (Klein Collins HS) > UT > Waco (Baylor Law) > DFW
  10. One of the best longhorns I've had the pleasure of watching.
  11. In Goff's defense, it's pretty hard to win when your defense gives up 45 points. In defense of pocket passers, Goff threw 2 terrible ints.
  12. I don’t think it’s Keys, we just started recruiting him and he hasn’t been to campus. My money is Calicut, Ojo, or Katoa.
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