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  1. Which means what? Fans aren't playing on the field.
  2. When did side pieces started thinking they're now the MAIN! THE AUDACITY!
  3. Other teams go through this as well. Texas has done a great job in player retention.
  4. Well fans aren't on the field playing, and trust me, Sark isn't underestimating them.
  5. Breathing room or not, Texas will still beat these more often than not. Match ups matters.
  6. Texas is a bad match up for them in the trenches and overall talent. Yes Texas offense has been having issues, but don't underestimate Texas in this thing.
  7. Based on. This team lost to Tech 🤣
  8. Texas is recruiting fine like you said. Texas will kill it in the transfer portal. As long as Texas keep their current hs class together they will be in great shape.
  9. Mack Brown made this mistake and Texas recruiting went RAT EXCREMENT because of it. Sark is doing it the right way.
  10. Yes, but Texas will get their people at dt. Trust me, Texas has/is already have portal dts they've contacted already behind close doors 🚪. Alot is being done behind the scenes.
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