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  1. STRAIGHT FACTS! People don't understand this. Look at aggy. They have to bring in a big portal class because Jimbo the clown 🀑 missed so terribly on their hs recruiting classes. This left aggy πŸ˜’ in bad situation roster wise. They have depth and talent issues galore on that beta team.
  2. You honestly believe this nonsense πŸ™„ πŸ˜’ πŸ˜‘ ? What's your evidence of this, or are you just speculating?
  3. Overreacting much! Texas will be fine as usual under Sark. Player development is proven under Sark. Player retention is just as/if not more important.
  4. Sounds like this would be a terrible career move for him
  5. Totally agree. DJ Lagway is going to have to really bring it to beat Texas period.
  6. Man say, definitely understand this sentiment right here! HOOKEM 🀘🏾🀘🏾🀘🏾! As a fellow Black man, life be lifing!
  7. I don't it was this simple. UT administration was most likely well aware he was leaving.
  8. Straight facts! They don't understand how Sark operates portal wise and recruiting wise as well. He always has a plan.
  9. 42-17 Texas 🀘🏾🀘🏾🀘🏾
  10. DAMN GOOD man all around πŸ‘πŸΏ! Definitely a stand up human πŸ‘πŸΏ
  11. Which means what? Fans aren't playing on the field.
  12. Cool runnings was very underrated movie 🎬 🎞 from mid 90s.
  13. When did side pieces started thinking they're now the MAIN! THE AUDACITY!
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