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  1. This is the easiest way for me to tell the Coffee and Football guys that I'm a woman and I like Lady Longhorns! I'm not the least bit offended. I rather like the alliteration. Women's basketball just doesn't do it for me. Just my 2 cents.
  2. Super prediction.
  3. I'm interested in everyone's thoughts on the upcoming National Championship Game on Monday night. Who do you think wins? Who are you pulling for? As for me, those are two different things. I think Ohio State wins but I'll be cheering for underdog Notre Dame. I know that a TOSU win would make the Texas loss to them look better. I just can not make myself pull for Ohio State. I despise them. I think it's going to be a close game. Notre Dame just seems to find a way to win. What are your thoughts?
  4. Deep down I think you're right about this. I'm afraid your prediction is a very real possibility as well. I hope you're dead wrong on both! Hook Em! 🤘
  5. I hope you're wrong. My heart can't take another close one! I'm still recovering from overtime!
  6. I'm not going to lie, this one has me worried. Texas certainly can't play the way they did against ASU if they are to win this game. Texas 17, Ohio State 14
  7. I am, thank you. I got to go home last Thursday. After Christmas, but glad to be out anyway.
  8. Another huge game is almost here. What are your numbers? I'm taking Texas 34, Arizona State 28. Hook Em! 🤘
  9. Thank you everyone for the well wishes. I'm watching the game from my hospital bed. Hopefully I'll get out of here before Christmas. It doesn't look promising though. Hook Em!
  10. That's painful just to think about!
  11. I'll join you!
  12. Well I'm back in the hospital. I'm not letting that stop me this time. What is your prediction for Saturday's game? I'm going with Texas 28, Clemson 24
  13. Sorry I missed 2 game predictions! I was in the hospital with pneumonia and a dead phone for a couple of weeks plus. I'm all good now! Ready to take on Clemson.
  14. @Bobby BurtonThat is such an ugly score that you might just be right!
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