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About AJJ_Sports

  • Birthday 12/13/1997

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  1. Future Friday night starter
  2. Ethan Mendoza might have just solidified himself as our leadoff hitter lol
  3. Flores has pitched super efficiently
  4. Hopefully he makes it onto campus 😮‍💨🤘
  5. Prospects care about NIL and development. Akina will be fitting in just fine 🤘
  6. When will we be allowed to park in the garage for baseball games again lol
  7. Just got home and checked the score.. what happened ?!
  8. I’m slightly shocked alot of people are this high on Kyle McCord. I get he had a great season but I cannot unsee that season he had at OSU
  9. If anyone wants the smoke in mlb the show lmk lol
  10. If we can figure out our 3rd starter situation this team could be dangerous heading into sec tournament play
  11. This might be the longest game ever 😂
  12. Arod is nasty 😭🤘shout out @Blake Munroe
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