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About tylerlindsey2111

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  1. You don’t read very much, or comprehend very well, if you think I’m an RT guy.
  2. You do understand it’s college, right? the coach is able to recruit what he wants.
  3. If yall hate offense/tempo of men’s team, hate to tell yall something about women’s team..
  4. What does everyone think we should change offensively to exploit SC better?
  5. No, it’s not okay. RT doesn’t care this much, you shouldn’t either.
  6. What would be your suggested adjustment?
  7. Guys, I don’t disagree. I think it’s the fact the other option is no O J Larry.
  8. I remain firm in the belief that any team that plans a good percentage of their possessions to end in Shedrick backdowns should be fired for malfeasance.
  9. Getting beat 75-61 would be a perfect nail in this team’s (and RT’s) coffin.
  10. Pope makes too much money to come off the bench.
  11. Got a crazy idea for you guys.. hire the architect of UCONN’s offense and pace. Hire Luke Murray.
  12. Count me out on Sean Miller. @Gerry Hamilton and I will just have to agree to disagree on that one. He is one that does not inspire a lot of belief for me that he can succeed in the new era, now that everyone is able to legally do what allowed him to get talent.
  13. He may not be interested in moving again, but Texas would be hard pressed to hire a better basketball coach for the NCAA Tourney one game scenarios than Altman. His teams present such a multi faceted approach that it makes it very hard to prepare for. When talent is semi-equal, I always think his team has a huge advantage.
  14. CMB going to have 25 and 18 against our make shift front line.
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