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Avishai Schiff

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About Avishai Schiff

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Freshman (1/9)

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  1. To be clear, I am not making any judgement of Hooks, just found it an interesting confluence of events.
  2. Not a great run for his 5*'s lately (Cook, Hudson, Stewart)
  3. On the one hand, wow, on the other hand, I'm depressed that a FREAKING TEENAGER has a better perspective on perseverance and adversity than I do.
  4. SIAP, but this is not bad O-Line performance to put in front of Fasusi
  5. If you don't get a tape measure around Sydir's waist, I am cancelling my sub
  6. Lockett in!
  7. Have we thought about maybe just fielding a 7v7 squad going forward? Also, how does OU jump in there? Is Baker not having a track record a big factor?
  8. Did Pitbull make it, or did he decide to go perform in Eugene instead?
  9. Me at the celebration after all the recruiting news
  10. these nuggets taste off, send'em back please! On the other hand, Goosby to Turntine timeline at LT!
  11. B/c Baker can't recruit either... Fire everybody!!!!
  12. Do I have this right? Bo's recruiting at UT was meh. Now him leaving for LSU may have cost us Dom McKinley and Robinson last year (Robinson was shaky regardless) and potentially Zion and Brown this year. That's one hell of a series of gut punches.
  13. I'm waiting on a Hhi, feel like that may be out there, or close
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