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Blake Munroe

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About Blake Munroe

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Lifetime Longhorn

Lifetime Longhorn (9/9)

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  1. In other news, Tech got smoked tonight. Wowza
  2. Let’s go ahead and put the nail in the coffin. Break out the rye bread, it’s grand salami time.
  3. That was a hell of a defensive play by Santa Clara.
  4. Just noticed the size of the glove for SC’s pitcher. Pretty sure dude has an outfielder glove. Don’t normally see that.
  5. And a phenomenal at bat by Flores. That was an experienced AB.
  6. FINALLY quit stranding runners. That was big time.
  7. Rusty Filter might be my favorite coaching name ever.
  8. On this week’s ’Bases Loaded’ we talk the latest pitching rotation shakeup, look at the Horns offensive production as of late and much more.
  9. FOUR DAYS IN A ROW BABY. FOUR. DAYS. IN. A. ROW. IN YO FACE! Edit: Also it’s you’re 😉
  10. Yeah and my good looks and talent don’t come cheap either. 😂 In all seriousness, there’s literally ZERO things that are greedy about BB. He’s not going to want me to say this, but Bobby has helped me and family tremendously, especially when our son was in the hospital for two months. Not because he had to, but because he wanted to. Not only that, but he’s made this site affordable for everyone. A year of OTF is less than $50. You can’t even get six months of most sites for that price.
  11. Maybe you just need a little Joymode in your coffee before the trip?
  12. Rise and shine, it’s Coffee and Football time. Join us at 8:15 AM, as we take your questions and discuss the hottest topics surrounding the Horns. It’s the perfect way to get your weekend started!
  13. Btw spoke with some team sources tonight regarding a few things… I’ll either put them in tomorrows bases loaded or write up something (or both).
  14. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Recovering from that surgery.
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