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Texas fan in Georgia

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  1. Need it on a shirt on the OTF store
  2. Today just has a different feel to it
  3. Pretty sure I know who will be the first on the field for the first spring practice.
  4. Took his phone and walked away? 😂
  5. the Cover curse hit Quinn and Donavan edwards. Sark was taking no chances
  6. Could terry be the 3rd receiver👀 if Texas doesn’t pursue a WR in the portal bc Terry shows out is that a smart idea?
  7. Haven’t heard much from Collin Johnson. Thought for sure he would be a freak with his frame. Jordan Shipley comes to mind as well.
  8. Awesome interview @Bobby Burton we need a Cousin Shane appearance on OTF soon 😂😂
  9. DA just released a statement saying after talking to multiple witnesses, he won’t be taking up the case and worthy will not be charged.
  10. Nick rose missing the extra point after jerrod heards TD run against cal.
  11. Good read. I was thinking earlier, assuming Arch and Colin Simmons are in the same draft class, who would have the better chance to go #1 overall?
  12. Michael taffe has to be thrilled . Grew up watching akina coach Texas legends and now he gets to be coached by Akina himself
  13. Great hire gotta think he’s happy to be back
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