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Texas fan in Georgia

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  1. It better be red zone offense. 2 years in a row the red zone offense has cost us a chance at playing for a national title.
  2. Back to back years Texas will play the defending National champs in their house. I don’t ever wanna hear anything about Texas schedule from any of the talking heads next season.
  3. Dude seen them collapse at the end of the year and said hey I wanna be part of that
  4. Jeff is AWESOME. Before I found OTF, I found longhorn blitz with Rod Jeff and Matt Butler. Hence why I first thought producer Matt for OTF was actually Matt butler for a minute until I asked 😂. Jeff and rods chemistry is unmatched as well.
  5. Pretty sure said student would be in a breach and could be possibly taken to court? I’m not sure though.
  6. Imagine Goldens numbers if he would’ve been targeted more often in the first half of the season. Highly impressive either way.
  7. Ask agiye hall. Or Denver harris
  8. Buddy he trends with the bs he does. I rooted for the guy. Actually predicted him to be Texas leading reciever this past year. Nobody is reveling in his downfall. But let’s not act like the kid hasn’t been blessed with the opportunities he had only to completely drop the ball. Pun intended
  9. He has both parents involved both of whom seem to think he does no wrong . That’s evident by his Twitter if you pay attention. Not to mention the guy fighting a player in the locker room and then trashing Deandre Moore all over social media. This guy is heading towards the AB route without ever making it to the league. People were on board with agyie hall when he initially transferred. You see how he’s turned out. Johntay is just following the same path.
  10. If what I’ve been reading is true, he’s got no chance. He won’t play P4 ball anymore and that’s at the very least.
  11. Feel like McDonald is a lock at least early . Let Williams get to 100%
  12. One of the two Penn st recievers would be nice . Curious as to if any WRs could be looking to transfer to play with arch. Looking at portal additions the past two years , AD Mitchell and Golden coming in being huge contributors should be a huge selling point from the staff
  13. Well they spent $20 million on this years roster that’s about to win a natty, only can think they’ll spend close to or the same as what they spent this past year
  14. Well Sam wouldn’t have been the statue Quinn is.
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