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Texas fan in Georgia

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  1. Them boys realized they was in the wrong shade of orange
  2. Roman Hemby from Maryland has entered. He fits sarks scheme perfectly IMO
  3. Will Texas go after Justice Haynes ?? @Gerry Hamilton @CJ Vogel
  4. Sydir can become quite the story if he can get his mind right. I’m pulling for him
  5. Open try outs to the public it is!🫡
  6. I thought wisner had some nice runs to the outside on a couple plays. But sark kept trying to push him up the middle. Which was never going to work against UGA. My question is why did we not see more arch and more importantly why did sark not pull out a play action pass with arch? I thought the 4th down call where the ball was snapped between arch and converted, but UGA for the most part knew what was coming with arch. A play action pass would’ve been there .
  7. Forget that, I’m wondering why we didn’t see arch more period. And even when he got in Georgia knew what was coming. He has a fantastic arm and Georgias secondary is ?. No idea why sark wouldn’t use a play action pass with arch.
  8. He’s gonna have to do somethin and the Oline has to play smarter and not get penalties. Bert auburn can’t be relied upon.
  9. Shave his head in his sleep. I really dislike this kid right now.
  10. Talking about Bobby fracturing speed zone when UGA players are literally killing people behind the wheel and numerous other speeding related offenses 🙃
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