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  1. Britt Hager in football and Brooks Kieschnick in baseball.
  2. Great idea! While we're at it, let's get Brooks Kieschnick on to discuss the baseball team. Since Bobby added Jeff Howe to the team, the collective knowledge of Longhorn history/tradition on the board/channel is really impressive. It would be cool if they leaned into that.
  3. I lost a good friend, Dave, Friday night after the Cotton Bowl. He passed away in the early hours of Saturday morning. He was a childhood friend and my roommate at Texas in the early 90’s. He loved his Longhorns. A few of us buddies have a text thread that we use during Longhorn games. Dave never responded to our texts Friday night. I talked to his wife tonight and asked if Dave watched the game. She said she helped prop him up in bed so he could watch. When it was over he asked her to turn the tv off. He was upset but told her was proud of the season the Horns had. Then she told me, in the middle of the night she woke up and heard him listening to the postgame on that damn podcast. I asked which one? She said you know, that On Texas podcast you all watch. She said he watched that thing religiously. I know this is a somewhat morbid post but I just wanted to thank you guys for bringing joy to my friend’s life over the past year or so. He’s dealt with a lot and I really think your YouTube videos were one of the few things that brought him happiness over the past number of months. I appreciate you all very much. Hook’ em Dave!
  4. Man we have some miserable fans. Enjoy the ride. We’re lucky to have multiple talented qb’s. Some of y'all would rather be right in an internet pissing match than enjoy what our team is accomplishing.
  5. Hey Blake. It looked like YouTube was having sound issues for this morning's show. Any info on where and when we can catch Coffee and Football this morning?
  6. It was glorious. You were saying what we were all thinking.
  7. You misspelled aggy.
  8. Continued prayers to Colt and the whole Munroe family!
  9. Can someone provide the link to the OTF tailgate tomorrow?
  10. They offered to meet you and Bobby “and have a talk”. Also got pretty personal about you. Those guys act like middle schoolers.
  11. I posted this on another site but it applies here too… Bottom line is that aggy, as a collective fanbase, always plays the victim. It allows them to place blame for their shortcomings on others and they never really address those shortcomings. We've all known people like this. Nothing is ever their fault and they continually end up on the short end of the stick because they never work to improve their lot in life. This is aggy. Their coach was mean to a poor reporter and didn't admit that he was going to their arch-rival. He's a liar and they were victimized. By making the coach the big bad wolf they fail to look at themselves in the mirror and ask why would someone leave them for Texas and what can they do to make sure nothing like that happens again. The victim mentality is embedded in their collective fandom and it continually renders them ineffective. And I love it.
  12. No offense intended, but can we not start the "first" thing over here. It's tired.
  13. Totally agree!
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