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About Papasaun

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  1. Who knows? Moore is from Round Rock and his dad is a professor at Texas.
  2. Are the HI’s for football only or for all sports?
  3. The tickets in Sec 103 lower chair back seats are currently selling between $891-$1,185 on SeatGeek with fees. I’m not charging a fee and am throwing in a Trinity garage parking pass. PS: how do edit your own message? I can’t find an edit button anywhere.
  4. 4 TX vs Georgia tickets, Sec 103, Row 15 for $775 each including a Trinity parking pass. These are chairback seats on the lower section of the upper west side.
  5. Tower fireworks! IMG_6306.mov
  6. I believe coaches can get an exception past the deadline.
  7. Is this the kid who intentionally put peanuts in a teammate’s locker and cleats/pads knowing he was highly allergic to them? If so, don’t want him on the team. If it’s not him, feel free to delete this.
  8. Is it coaches or Coach Sark’s energy and optimism the parents were talking about?
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