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Hix Green made the Catch

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Freshman (1/9)

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  1. Quick question--who is "Charles"--and for whom does he work??
  2. Like playing right field in Little League. lol
  3. Great answer, Bobby. Thank you.🫡
  4. https://theathletic.com/5198610/2024/01/12/college-football-stop-rate-rankings-michigan/ Check this out...very impressive
  5. I can't wait to see what this guy will do for us. He is going to be special, imo.
  6. I am thinking that with the portal roster turnover every year, it will take at least half to two thirds of a season for any team to gel. Hopefully this team will do that as well.
  7. This is such great news, and I am so happy for him. I hope he knocks it out of the park by Draft Day.
  8. Very nice overview, CJ. Recruiting in the SEC will not be for the faint of heart. I'm already imagining the dozens of toes upon which the Longhorns are already stepping. If you think the Big 12 hated us...lol
  9. Thank you for this, but this seems like an idiotic decision by UM officials. I realize there are underlying reasons, but stupidity and/or incompetence should not be the primary factors. And yet...
  10. Thank you. Has he been formally announced yet?
  11. This is too cool. Would love to have Mr. Grant on our team.
  12. I think in the short term Bo's leaving definitely hurt us...in the long term I'm hopeful that it will actually be a huge plus for the program.
  13. Well said, and I believe Sark made the right decision at that time.
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