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Tex Pete

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Everything posted by Tex Pete

  1. That’s “Prison” to you, sir. 32 year old freshmen are always good to have on the team.
  2. I’ve got a plan: Just win! F the haters.
  3. LSU will be very vocal in their hatred for us from the start. Just remember all the BS when Orgeron lied about the A/C being broken and all their fake cramps. Louisiana is a one school state, and their fans are almost as methed up as Thooners.
  4. Hope he sticks.
  5. I get wanting Kelly to go to Ann Arbor, but I do not see that happening at all. Just think the timing’s too inconvenient.
  6. Scholarship money could play into it. I have a relative who pitched at Notre Dame, and with so few scholarships available, teams divide those up among players, leaving players to have to make up the shortfall. He is quite intelligent, so he got some assistance because of that, but it’s night and day compared to football.
  7. Hope it lights a fire. It’s hard to always maintain an edge and beat everyone you’re supposed to beat.
  8. OU sucks!
  9. University Lab’s Hall of Champions has more trophies in it than Texas A&M’s.
  10. I am here now, so the party can start. Glad to see this site go live. Looking forward to great content. Surly (and shaggy before it) has been a good place for aggregated information, and this will turn it up to 11.
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