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Class of 04

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Sophomore (3/9)

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  1. I'll admit that I'm a WBB casual fan, but it seems like Harmon is as much a liability as an asset. Her shots that don't go are ugly as hell, and quite a few of her passes are questionable at best. She does a good job of running the offense for the most part but when it's bad it's just fugly.
  2. These ref's are whistle happy, Ole Miss certainly has been the benefactor of all the calls to thus point.
  3. I suspect this game will be a lot more uplifting than the men's basketball thread.
  4. Honestly, does anyone think this team is deserving of a spot in the tournament?
  5. Quinn is showing next level arm talent, the only other person in the same conversation with him right now is Jaxon Dart,
  6. I feel like Blue left a lot of money on the table right there...
  7. Did I previously mention that Shedrick is ass, if I hadn't I apologize.
  8. I'm sure he's a good kid who means well but Shedrick is pure ass, a complete waste of space on the court.
  9. These guys are just outclassed and outcoached way too often.
  10. They're gonna win the NIT...😁
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