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About Oskies1279

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  1. Fan appreciation day would cool. Get bevo blvd up and running per usual while letting our kids meet the team and coaches would be awesome.
  2. Got mine! 🀘🏼 moved over from IT as soon as Bobby and crew got this rolling
  3. My thoughts exactly. Then let's not forget Oregon is losing DG. Call me crazy, but I feel like we have the ability to be just as good if not grow into a better football team depending on who else is leaving.
  4. Texas 52-7 🀘🏼🀘🏼
  5. @Gerry Hamilton who would you say are your two wish list/must get DT's for Texas to land out of all kids they are looking at and bringing in to fill out the last two spots?
  6. I was with the recruits yesterday and we were walking to the stands to watch the game. I was behind Kj and other recruits in the hallway. Some guy I didn't recognized turned around and yelled out how Kj is the best recruiter in the class for Texas and was hyped up. Kj turned around and started pointing at some other kid and they were all hyped and jumping. My overall point is that it would suck seeing Kj trying to recruit for Texas and then having Texas move on to another QB, but I put my trust in that Sark knows what he's doing 🀘🏼
  7. I canceled my subscription elsewhere after yesterday. Bobby, Blake, Gerry, CJ, Rob, and the others are the dream team for Texas coverage. Just curious, will there ever be an app in the future? If it would require a Premium subscription then I would sign up in a heart beat @Bobby Burton
  8. He's back! Best Texas coverage team out there 🀘🏼🀘🏼
  9. For all the attention he gets from recruiting and the de commitment from Bama he seems level headed and well spoken. He does not seem like a diva from what I've read on different fan sites.
  10. Does anyone know how good this Tiaoalii Savea kid is from Arizona? Would he be a legit replacement?
  11. Let's go! 🀘🏼🀘🏼🀘🏼
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